Lucas Binda
Ondřej Hrdina
Dávid Jablonovský
Jiří Kůs
Jakub Politzer
František Sedláček
USD: $64.99
EUR: €64.99
Sales Sheets
Extras and Addons

Codenames T-SHIRT

Codenames HOODIE

Lost Ruins of Arnak Rat promo card

Kutná Hora: The City of Silver Metal Coins

Under Falling Skies Berlin promo tile

Under Falling Skies Prague promo tile

Under Falling Skies Kyiv promo tile

Under Falling Skies Essen promo tile

Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar Tribes & Prophecies: Ek Chuah mini-expansion

Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar mini-expansion 2

Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar mini-expansion 1

Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends Legendary Summoner promo card

Letter Jam Bonus Chip

Starship Captains Convention Visit promo card

SETI Pluto promo

Pictomania Pop Culture promo pack

Pictomania Boardgaming promo pack

Lost Ruins of Arnak Soothsayer's Runes promo

Lost Ruins of Arnak Saxophone promo card

Lost Ruins of Arnak Alicorn promo card

Last Will Plan Order Board

Last Will Messenger promo card

Kutná Hora: The City of Silver Land Rights Compact promo card

Dungeon Petz: Dark Alleys Bob the Blob promo tile

Dungeon Petz Bonus Pets

Deal with the Devil The Bureaucrat promo card

Deal with the Devil Game Expo promo card

Codenames: Pictures 5x5 promo tiles

Codenames Through the Ages promo pack

Codenames CGE Games promo pack

Codenames Board Gaming promo pack

Alchemists Ring of Favor promo card

Alchemists Publisher promo card

Adrenaline Laser Magnum promo card

Adrenaline Chaos Cannon promo card

Adrenaline Chainsaw promo card
Detailed Overview
Sanctum, once a great city, is now shrouded in darkness. The lands surrounding the city are home to the demon horde lead by the Lord of Demons. It’s up to a handful of heroes to rise up, battle through the horde, banish the evil that plagues the world, and restore the realm to its former glory.
Sanctum is an epic adventure competitive game for 2-4 players that's inspired by the hack & slash genre and converted into a modern board game. As one of the heroes, you embark upon a quest to rid the land of a demonic invasion, fighting your way through countless enemies and gearing up to face the Lord of Demons himself. In the process of venturing deeper into the land, ever so much closer to the Demon Lord, the heroes have to improve their equipment and adapt their combat tactics to face the increasing difficulty of combat.
The seemingly simple dice-throwing mechanism turns out to be a tactical delicacy once you realize that equipping the correct gear is a crucial part of surviving in these hostile lands...
Bullet Points
- 3 double-sided act boards
- 1 hordes board
- 1 achievement board
- 4 player boards
- 4 health counters
- 18 double-sided potion tiles
- 5 rage tiles
- 12 skill tiles (3 for each character)
- 24 skill cards (6 for each character)
- 12 achievement tiles
- 3 divine intervention tiles
- 6 starting bonus cards
- 84 demon/item cards
- 51 Demon Lord cards
- 85+ round plastic stamina, focus, and hits tokens
- 84 plastic gem tokens
- 4 plastic miniatures
- 24 wooden dice
- 4 quick reference sheets
- 1 rulebook

Jared Kaplan