What could my colleagues be doing? For weeks they have been shut up in their laboratories, emerging only for clandestine visits to the palace library. Could it be that they are also working on the king's puzzle?
The fools! The formulas they research in the royal encyclopedia were written by me! I am the one who knows the true nature of mandrake root, and I shall be the one who animates the king's golem!
The King's Golem expansion consists of 4 independent modules:
- In Startup Funding, players get a chance to customize the initial resources in their laboratories.
- The Busy Days expansion makes each round different by offering new rewards (and new costs!) on the order spaces.
- The Royal Encyclopedia is an entirely new venue for publishing your research.
- And in The Golem Project, players have the challenge of animating a creature made from magic and clay.
The expansions are presented in order of complexity. Startup Funding and Busy Days will be just fine for beginners. The Royal Encyclopedia is for players accustomed to the logic puzzle of the base game. The Golem Project is for advanced players who want a new deduction challenge.
- 1 rulebook
- 1 pad of new deduction grids
- 12 book tokens
Startup Funding
- 20 startup cards
- 1 Replicator artifact card
Busy Days
- 18 order space boards
The Royal Encyclopedia
- 1 encyclopedia board
- 1 encyclopedia grant tile
- 16 ingredient tokens
- 8 seals (2 in each color)
The Golem Project
- 1 extension board
- 1 under-the-counter artifact board
- 1 golem research board
- 1 scoring reminder board
- 1 progress report tile
- 3 conference tiles
- 8 king’s mood tiles
- 4 Courtier favor cards
- 1 Royal Signet artifact card
- 1 Mahogany Bookcase artifact card
- 16 approval tokens
- 24 report tokens (6 in each color)
- 4 plastic beaker figures (1 in each color)

Game media assets
Graphics resources for reviewers, PR partners, distributors and retailers.
Extras & Addons

Alchemists Publisher promo card