It’s a New Year and a great time to roll out the next episode of our long-running CGE docuseries! We’re getting close to the end, but there’s still more to come.
By the way — In case you missed Episode 6, which released right before the Christmas holidays, that one covers the creation of CGE Digital and our digital adaptations of some of our favorite CGE releases (including the Galaxy Trucker, Through the Ages and Codenames apps).
And with that, we’re already up to Episode 7, which is out now! In this episode, we talk about the post-Codenames era of CGE and the emerging new wave of game designers at the company who brought fresh (and sometimes risky) ideas to life.
You’ll hear from designer Filip Neduk about how some of favorite video game franchises served as the loose inspiration for Adrenaline and Sanctum. Can you guess which video games influenced which board game? Bonus: Sanctum was also the first game where CGE worked with artist Ondrej Hrdina for the map illustrations. He later went on to work on art for Lost Ruins of Arnak, and you’ll learn more about his creative process.
Discover Letter Jam’s surprising history and the unique story of how it was discovered during one of the CGE’s annual Czech Gaming playtesting events. Of course we can’t forget about Under Falling Skies — the first and only solo board game published by CGE, and during the COVID pandemic no less!
Also, if you have missed previous episodes, you can check them all out in the YouTube Playlist.
Making Board Games Docuseries goes through untold stories and a behind-the-scenes view of Czech Games Edition (CGE) and the board game scene in general in the last 2 decades, from developers, artists and designers who bring life to the games to board game reviewers and community members who have played and loved these games, this documentary series is a celebration of the board game hobby!
If you want do dig deeper into the documentary, you can also read a filmmaker diary from the creator of this series, Eleni a.k.a. Cardboard Rhino.