
The strategic use of colors is fundamental to creating a recognizable and impactful brand identity. This chapter explores our brand's color palette, offering guidelines on how to effectively combine and apply colors to maintain visual harmony and reinforce brand recognition.

Company colors

Below are main company colors derived from the CGE logo.

RGB: 255 255 255

Pantone: 1787 C
CMYK: 0 / 89 / 66 / 0
RGB: 233 / 55 / 69
HEX: #E93745

Pantone: 2915
CMYK: 58 / 8 / 0 / 0
RGB: 96 / 188 / 244
HEX: #60BCF4

Pantone: Process Black
CMYK: 60 / 40 / 40 / 100
RGB: 0 / 0 / 0
HEX: #000000

Brand Color Palette

These colors are used for all game related marketing activities such as ads, social media posts and other communication. Examples of how these colors are used can be found further down on this page.

Primary palette

This color palette is used for monochromatic applications. It is utilized for backgrounds, text, and the logo itself.

CMYK: 41 / 86 / 33 / 62
RGB: 71 / 0 / 21
HEX: #470015

CMYK: 92 / 14 / 67 / 70
RGB: 3 / 63 / 48
HEX: #033F30

CMYK: 100 / 73 / 0 61
RGB: 13 0 77
HEX: #0D004D

CMYK: 86 68 36 78
RGB: 35 34 57
HEX: #232239

Accent palette

This color pallete is used for highlighting important information. It is utilized for call to action elements or in highlighted texts.

CMYK: 0 93 82 0
RGB: 255 66 66
HEX: #FF4242

CMYK: 0 59 100 0
RGB: 254 106 47

CMYK: 0 29 100 1
RGB: 254 175 21

CMYK: 71 0 55 0
RGB: 61 211 155
HEX: #3DD39B

CMYK: 55 0 1 0
RGB: 100 208 248
HEX: #64D0F8

CMYK: 55 65 0 0
RGB: 183 94 237

Neutral Pallete

This color pallete is used for texts and backgrounds.

Name: Neutral 800
CMYK: 0 0 0 80
RGB: 81 81 81
HEX: #515151

Name: Neutral 600
CMYK: 0 0 0 60
RGB: 114 114 114
HEX: #727272

Name: Neutral 400
CMYK: 0 0 0 40
RGB: 154 154 154
HEX: #9A9A9A

Name: Neutral 200
CMYK: 0 0 0 20
RGB: 198 198 198
HEX: #C6C6C6

Name: Neutral 100
CMYK: 0 0 0 10
RGB: 245 245 245
HEX: #F5F5F5

Game Color Pallete

When creating communication for a certain game or game family, use the color palette of the said game for consistent brand look of the IP.

However, if the game palette is too bright, you need to adjust the lightness of the primary color so it matches the lightness of the brand primary palette. Below, you'll find the example color palette for Lost Ruins of Arnak.

Primary Color

Accent Color 1

Accent Color 2

Color Combinations

To maintain the integrity of the visual identity, it is essential to adhere to the proposed color scheme. Typically, we use one primary color, which can be complemented by one or more accent colors.

Monochromatic Usage

In this usage, we utilize only one color from the primary palette.

Accent Palette Usage

In this usage, we utilize one color from the primary palette and use a color from the accent palette for emphasis.

Game Palette Usage

In this usage, we derive the primary and accent color from the game artwork.

Examples of color combinations

Communication made for multiple games

Example 1
Example 2

Communication made for a single game / family

Correct lightness of primary color
Incorrect lightness of primary color