
A well-designed logo is the cornerstone of our brand's visual identity, symbolizing its values and essence. This chapter provides detailed guidelines on the correct usage, variations, and placement of our logo to ensure consistency and strengthen brand recognition.

Logo Variants

CGE uses two variants of the logo. One is intended for official company presentations, and the other is used for most game related marketing materials.

Full Color Variant

We use this version (with white, red, and blue letters) in materials intended to present the company as a whole. It is used on official company merchandise or on game packaging. This logo variant has fixed colors. More details can be found in the Colors chapter.

Monochrome Variant

We use this version in materials intended to promote our games. This typically includes social media posts, advertisements, banners, etc. This logo variant follows the color rules. More details can be found in the Colors chapter.

Special CGE Logos

The visual system allows for adapting the avatar for each game featuring the CGE logo, creating a unique easter egg for every game. When using these special logos, it is essential to follow the rules set forth in this manual.

Warning: Only variants created and authorized by CGE are allowed to be used. It is strictly prohibited to create one’s own unauthorized versions for your own marketing materials.


CGE uses two variants of the logotype. One is intended for official company presentations, and the other is used for most game related marketing materials.

Full Color Variant

We use this version in materials intended to present the company. It is used on official company merchandise or on game packaging. This logotype variant has fixed colors. More details can be found in the Colors chapter.

Monochrome Variant

We use this version in materials intended to promote games. This typically includes social media posts, advertisements, banners, etc. This logo variant follows the color rules. More details can be found in the Colors chapter.

Positive and Negative Appearance

We have two variations of the logo which are designed for use on light or dark backgrounds.

Full Color Logo Display Variants

We use this version in materials intended to present the company. It is used on official company merchandise or on game packaging. This logotype variant has fixed colors. More details can be found in the Colors chapter.

Positive version

Negative version

Monochrome Logo Display Variants

We use this version in materials intended to promote games. This typically includes social media posts, advertisements, banners, etc. This logo variant follows the color rules. More details can be found in the Colors chapter.

Positive version

Negative version

Full Color Logotype

Full color logotype has only a negative display on fixed black background.

We use this version in materials intended to present the company. It is used on official company merchandise or on game packaging. This logotype variant has fixed colors. More details can be found in the Colors chapter.

Negative display

Monochrome Logotype

Monochrome logotype can be used both as positive and negative.

We use this version in materials intended to promote games. This typically includes social media posts, advertisements, banners, etc. This logo variant follows the color rules. More details can be found in the Colors chapter.

Positive version

Negative version

Safe Zones

To maintain the visual integrity of the brand, a protective zone is established for both the logos and individual elements. This zone defines the space into which no other graphics may be placed.


Both variants are proportionally identical and therefore have the same protective zone, defined by the height of the letter C in the logotype.

Monochrome version

Full color version


The protective zone of the logotype is defined as half the height of the letter "C".

Minimum Size

To ensure good readability and recognizability of the logo, its minimum size must be respected.


The minimum printable size is 18 mm, and for display, it is 64 pixels. It is prohibited to use the logo at a size smaller than the minimum.


The minimum printable size is 8 mm, and for display, it is 32 pixels. It is prohibited to use the avatar at a size smaller than the minimum.


The minimum printable size is 5 mm, and for display, it is 12 pixels. It is prohibited to use the logotype at a size smaller than the minimum.

Logo on Background

The logo can be used on various backgrounds. It is always necessary to ensure the correct choice of colors and background to maintain good readability.

Background Tonal Range

We use the logo in the positive version on a light background. If the background is darker than 45% tonality, the negative version of the logo is used.

Usage Examples

Below are examples of correct placement of logo on a background.

Use of the logo on a solid-colored surface.

Use of the logo on an illustrated surface with a color overlay.

Use of the logo on an illustrated background without a color overlay.

Use of the full-color variant on an illustrated background without a color overlay.

Incorrect Usage Examples

Below are examples of incorrect placement of logo on a background.

The color of the logo does not correspond to the background color.

The color of the logo does not correspond to the background color.

Recoloring the full color variant. Colors of the full color variant cannot be changed.

The color of the logo is too bright. When recoloring the logo, use proper tonality.

The logo cannot be used without base color on complex backgrounds.

Prohibited Use

Below are defined prohibited ways of using the logo.

Incorrect Usage Examples

Deforming the logo

Using a incorrect color scheme

Logo rotation

Adding effects

Changing the composition

Change the logotype