The uniqueness of Adrenaline alone makes this a total keeper for me. But even if it were not unique, it has earned it’s place in my collection, and on my game table.
It is absolutely the best-in-genre for shoot-you-in-the-face style games. It’s really a marvelous design and, unless you need dice to feel complete, it’s one you should absolutely look into.
A feel good arena shooter devoid of randomness is a weird thing. But in Adrenaline’s case it’s a very fun thing. … Adrenaline is the type of release that will find its way to your table repeatedly. It’s like a warm slice of apple pie that just hits the spot and leaves you wanting seconds.
Adrenaline is innovative in its merging of concepts, and even in its simplicity. It’s incredibly intuitive, fast-playing and clever, and has a very high coolness factor. While your first few games require some investment, it’s well worth it. Adrenaline is a strong contender for game of the year.
Adrenaline is blast to play. I havn’t played a game yet where people didn’t laugh and make all kind of (more or less accurate) shooting noises. For me this is the best first-person shooter boardgame out there, and it is just so much fun!
Adrenaline really is a triumph of a game, almost a case study in how to utilise classically bland Euro game mechanics like area control and cube management within an exciting setting to create a completely unique experience.
It's one of those games that as soon as I played it I was thinking..we could play play this one again. Because it's just neat and each gun has such a cool distinctive feel.
It's streamlined, its fun, its fast, and it looks good!
Once we got a turn or two in, everything made sense. Turns are quick and action packed without dragging. Weapons were ridiculously fun to discover, and managing your ammo and which gun you chose to fire or power up became an interesting part of the game. The miniature figures were pretty cool too.
and more:
2016 Golden Geek Board Best Thematic Game Nominee
2016 Golden Geek Best Innovative Board Game Nominee
2016 The Laurels: Best Striker Games Of 2016 Nominee