
How does the Magic Room work?

For each use of this room, you have to pay one food to the bank. You get one new imp, which you can use this round immediately.

You activate rooms in any order you wish. All of the following examples are possible:

  • You have 4 available imps, 1 Food, the Magic Room, and the Hatchery. You can activate the Magic Room to get an extra imp and then use the imp to activate the Hatchery (and get your Food Token back). If you had no food, you could not do that – activating the Hatchery first would leave you without enough available imps to activate the Magic Room.
  • You have 5 available imps, no food, the Magic Room, and the Hatchery. You can use the Hatchery to produce one Food and then the Magic Room to produce one imp.
  • In the Second Year, you have 3 available imps, 2 Food and the Magic Room. You can use 2 imps to activate the Magic Room, and then use the new imp and the remaining imp to activate it again.