
What player actions are performed simultaneously?

In fact, only Selecting Orders in the Orders Phase and Choosing Initial Inaccessible Orders in the Full Game are done purely simultaneously. Many other actions (reacting to an event, planning combat, etc.) can be done simultaneously to speed game play, but if it matters, players have to make their final decision in clockwise order, beginning with the starting player.

Similarly, when executing orders in the Orders Phase, players can do some things simultaneously to speed up the game, if they are sure their decision will not influence and will be not influenced by other players’ decisions. However, whenever it matters, the decisions are made and evaluated in the order of actions: Get Food, Improve Reputation, Dig Tunnels, Mine Gold, Recruit Imps, Buy Traps, Hire Monster (or Ghost), and Build Room. (And within each action, the order is from shorter spaces to longer ones.)

We do not recommend resolving the Battle Phase simultaneously; each player should show what is going on in his or her dungeon to the other players. If you decide to save time by resolving the Battle Phase simultaneously, remember that order becomes important when there is a possibility that the paladin will switch dungeons.