Codenames availability and update on other language versions

Codenames availability and update on other language versions

It's just one month since Essen Spiel, we're just about catching our breath again, and... wait a minute... the pre-Christmas rush has started already! So lets have a look at what's new in the US.

The huge container full of Codenames hit the US warehouses two weeks ago. This means that distributors have them as well some of the retailers.

Since Codenames is a word-based game, it is essential to be playable in your native language, right? We are aware of this fact, so we are dealing with many language partners right now. Codenames can already be played in Czech, English, German and Italian. Plus, we can also promise for future releases these language versions: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish... phew!

We will let you know of more updates via our Facebook and Twitter. Meanwhile enjoy the Autumn, probably the most suitable time of year for playing board games during the long and dark nights...