Essen Spiel 2016: New titles and Pre-order!
The busiest, yet most magical period of the year for us is happening right now. Less than one month to go before the Spiel 2016 exhibition is packed full of lovers of boardgames from around the world and great games from many publishers.
We look forward to having the opportunity to meet you, play games with you, and deliver our games directly to you!
Let's have a look at what we’re bringing to the show – CGE booth F 145, Hall 1:
Codenames: Pictures with its multiple-meaning images gives you a different way to play this associative team game.
Adrenaline and its miniature gang takes you back to first person shooter games but with solid Euro mechanics.
Alchemists: The King's Golem adds many new exciting things to the base game!
For more details and pictures of the games, visit the official Essen 2016 page.
There is still a possibitilty to pre-order all our games (including the three brand new titles) for Essen pick up.
Whether you are attending Essen or not, please feel free to participate in the competition for this year's new releases on September 30 on BGG!