Due to a Printing Error, Through the Ages Expansion Won't Be Available At Essen
We’re sorry to announce that, despite our best efforts, we are unable to offer Through the Ages: New Leaders and Wonders for sale at Essen Spiel 2019.
Due to an error at the printer side, the card backs for the expansion are a different shade than the card backs for the base game. This is very unfortunate, especially with military cards that should remain secret.
We are as unhappy as you, as we worked hard to bring the expansion in the best possible quality to you at Essen Spiel. And normally, there would be a chance to fix such thing. But this was not the first production problem with these cards. There was an error with the linen finish first, which the factory managed to fix. But it delayed everything, so when we received the cards now, there was no chance to fix them before the Essen show. Our time reserve was simply not enough to deal with two printing errors.
We’ve ordered a new printing of the cards – after Essen Spiel, we will have more information about when gamers will be able to get their hands on this expansion.
In the meantime, if you haven’t already, you can try the expansion on the digital Through the Ages app. It’s already for sale now for iOS, Android, Steam, and GoG. Or you can come by our booth at Essen Spiel (Hall 1, F-145) for a digital demo.
But we know that’s not the same as getting the game onto the table with friends. Please bear with us while we make sure the expansion will get to you as soon as possible. We hope and believe that it will be worth the wait!