Looking for promos or CGE classics? You'll find them in our new store!
Would you like promos for your favorite CGE games but haven't been able to find any? Now you have the chance to purchase them directly from our new official online store!
What are some of the promos you will find in our store right now?
- Bonus pets for Dungeon Petz
- Codenames bonus packs
- Additional city tiles for Under Falling Skies
We have more than just promos, too!
Have you ever had trouble finding our older titles? Our online store is the place to get your hands on some of our tougher to find releases! Our main focus with the online store is to make sure you have access to CGE games that are hard to find elsewhere.
Some of the games currently available are:
- Alchemists
- Prodigals Club
- Through the Ages
- The games are only available in English, as other languages are the domain of our partners.
Initially, we are shipping directly from the Czech Republic to most European regions, the US, or even Australia. However, the store is still evolving, so you can expect more things to come—we’ll be adding more goodies to purchase and will continue to expand the regions we ship to.
We are also working on a way to ship directly from the USA in the future.
Keep following us on our social media, so you don't miss any news.