Making Board Games, Episode 5: Codenames

After a brief SPIEL break, the CGE documentary is back—and this time, we're bringing you a special episode that's focused on one game and its family. A game that was a huge milestone in the CGE history and which exploded into becoming one of the global hits of board gaming. We're talking about Codenames.



Today, Codenames is available in two sizes (regular and XXL), each in three variants (standard, Pictures, and Duet). It had licensed versions featuring for ex. Harry Potter or Marvel. It's a browser game and a mobile app is on its way. It's the most streamed board game on Twitch and, after all those years, it still belongs to one of the most beloved and played party board games in the world.

But do you know how this all started? And what was the game's journey? Join us on our trip back to the time around the year 2015 and later to find out.

And if you have missed previous episodes, you can check them all out in the YouTube Playlist.


Making Board Games Docuseries goes through untold stories and a behind-the-scenes view of Czech Games Edition (CGE) and the board game scene in general in the last 2 decades, from developers, artists and designers who bring life to the games to board game reviewers and community members who have played and loved these games, this documentary series is a celebration of the board game hobby!

If you want do dig deeper into the documentary, you can also read a filmmaker diary from the creator of this series, Eleni a.k.a Cardboard Rhino.