
Frequently Asked Question

The B technology tree has a space described as “Whenever you take or flip a medium or large gyrodyne, score 2 points.” Does this also apply when you get a gyrodyne “for free” as part of an exploration bonus?
No, this technology does not apply when you get a gyrodyne from an HQ project or an exploration bonus.

There is a DII tech that gives you an exploration bonus for stations even when your flight just passes through a planetary system and a DI tech which gives you 2 points in such situations. Aren’t these a little overpowered?
Yes. Please take bonuses from these techs only when establishing a station at the end of a flight. They should have been worded this way:

  • If you end your flight at a planetary system and must establish a station on a lifeless planet, gain the exploration bonus anyway (or draw a tile).
  • If you end your flight at a planetary system and must establish a station on a lifeless planet, score 2 points. (You score 2 points even if another technology allows you to gain an exploration bonus.)

There is a BI tech that gives you 2 points whenever you take or flip a medium or large gyrodyne. Isn’t this a bit overpowered?
Yes. Please score these points only when you pay a die to take one from the gyrodyne board or when you pay flip one. Do not score these points when you receive a gyrodyne as an exploration bonus or from an HQ project.